
I help people and businesses understand what wealth means in their own words so they can develop a clear plan to create a legacy of purpose, wealth and generosity.

My Biography

Over the course of my career, two main themes have persisted:

1) I have a knack for numbers, data and systems, and

2) I found myself fascinated by the people around me, their differences, their perspectives, and how to understand them better.

I got really good at analyzing numbers and data and condensing them into easy to understand charts, tables, graphs and simple text.  I also realized an increasing ability to build teams, networks and collaborations with colleagues and co-workers within the organizations where I worked.

People seemed to come to me not just because I had the information and experience they needed, but also because I listened.  Granted, I did not always listen well – that is a skill I am constantly working to improve, and practice only makes me better.

The longest stretch of my career was working for the United States Environmental Protection Agency in Boston MA, in the Office of the Regional Comptroller.  I left the EPA in May 2012, serving the last 5 of 17 years as the Regional Financial Management Officer.

It was at that time that I felt drawn to work more independently and focus on financial coaching.  I discovered I had more to learn, unlearn and experience before I would reach that point.

Over the past five years I have learned much about contentment, letting go, simplicity, living below my means, learning to trust, and learning to receive well from others – that is, without trying to pay them back.

Through facilitating Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes over the past 6 or 7 years I have met, listened to, and encouraged over a hundred people not only in their finances but in their careers and lives as well.  These classes were in a group setting and I couldn’t help but sense some people would benefit from a financial coach to help keep them on track.

I will work alongside you as your wealth and life coach to help you find your path to true wealth and happiness.


  • Bachelor of Science from Gordon College (1992), majoring in Mathematics and Political Studies.
  • Juris Doctor from Suffok Law School (2000).  Massachusetts Bar member in good standing since January 2001.
  • Basic Mediation Training (2012), North Shore Community Mediation Center
  • Financial Counselor Training (2013), Dave Ramsey (Lampo Group LLC)

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